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What in the world is a parent commissioning service? In this article, Pastor Drew explains.

Today's passage is probably the most memorized passage in all of scripture. Don't let the familiarity of it diminish the incredible promise made to those that BELIEVE.

In the last article, we talked about why we do what we do in our worship gatherings. But why do we do them in the order that we do? That's the question Pastor Drew takes up in this installment.

Seek the one who has been born, King Jesus.

Churches have historically gathered on Sundays. But why?

What is the Biblical evidence for gathering as a church? In part 1 of this series, Pastor Drew helps us see why Christians have always gathered regularly for corporate worship.

What does it look like for Jesus to reign supreme in our time of gathered worship?

Why does King Jesus reign supreme in the church and what does that mean for us?

Next Sunday (Feb 5th) we will begin a new series in the Gospel of John.

Why do we do what we do when we gather as a church? Is there any real rhyme or reason?